Friday, December 24, 2010

Speech Corporate Anniversary

Gelmini Reform: A Discussion on its effects

     Nel mio precedente post ho fatto un rapido cenno alle proteste studentesche che recentemente were raised against the bill on university reform Minister Gelmini. This time I would write two lines on a lot effects of the design once approved. In the beginning my goal was to read the full text and then write considerations, but I had to leave this decision for two reasons: 1) you can not find the final text of the bill until it has not been published in the Official Gazette (which comes shortly after the approval of a bill), 2) even if I had found the definitive text el'avessi read and understood all, the fact of having presented I would have been a lack of objectivity.
I felt far more constructive and efficient (and shorter) to bring together in one post the video where you simulate a dialogue, a debate, a real comparison between the parties on the content design and its consequences, where the video is talking about the people directly concerned, namely: on one hand the Minister Gelmini himself and other critics of the reform. It is very accessible and short video displaying in my opinion in a clear and unequivocal point of view of both parties. My goal in doing so, is twofold: on one hand I wish that you did about the problem, because when listening to both sides come out a lot more things in this way people can form an opinion much more free of the problem. Secondly, if you compare the two factions emerge in a much more obvious contradictions of the party is wrong, most difficult thing to do when investigating a question by considering only one aspect of it.
It is clear that finding one person who speaks all the contents of the decree is impossible so I have linked several videos, each of which is about one thing in a different way. Below each link is a brief caption that should direct you to the content. I chose to publish videos that were not extracted from a newscast or a few of these programs for political debate, just because you could say I'm part of sources: my wish is that you see them all and in fact I have reported others. I hope that will help to understand.
For cavalry, would begin to talk about the Minister himself, who, from his YouTube channel it is silent on the issue.

Minister Gelmini seeks to prepare public opinion and to reassure the students, fearing that they are all been brainwashed and conditioned by the "barons" who have an interest in maintaining the status quo. While it is true that in many young people (students or not) there is no consciousness of what is happening around them, and then it is true that they are easily influenced, but I find it extremely unlikely and I refuse to believe that the whole body of those who complain - I'm not alone, attention, students but also professors, deans, researchers and even casual students of foreign countries with which Italy has nothing to do! - Has decided to go on holiday and the brain is made duped by these barons. I refuse to believe that none of these people have been able to clear mind to think about the problem. I refuse to believe that hundreds of thousands of people are stupid all of a sudden, who did not understand anything and they have all misunderstood when a single minister has the actual reason.
After preparing the soil, the Gelmini try to give an account of the most important aspects of his reform, trying to answer the criticisms that have been made in that regard. In doing so she calls into question the principles of right itself, appeals to the needs really exists in our university and says he wants to solve long-standing issues that are actually present in the environment of teaching (for example, speak of need to reward the most deserving , 's need to rationalize resources, the fight against baronies, so all those things condivisibilissime) however is not convinced that as the "critical".
I think it is appropriate to point out that the minister's appeal to a particular criterion, for the duration of the video, to justify its intervention, or that it is necessary that make cuts and streamline resources due to the economic crisis of our country. That is, according to the Minister, as we pass the bad, someone has to pay. And who do you think you have to sacrifice is their education: you take this area and using the funds for it to do something else (and never mind for now is that other thing).
the undersigned, in all his humility, believes that it makes little sense cut in that area in whose hands is the future of the country, but it would be much better if governments were to stop (if not solve) the crisis by drawing up a ' appropriate economic policy, those which are not subject to the influences of corporate or personal needs of some politicians who are not only political but at the same time are also industrial-business owners, who therefore have every incentive to make laws that put their in hand as much money as possible, even if it means slowing down the economy to create economic monopolies generally. Education is not to have to sacrifice to meet the crisis are governments that are required to resolve the crisis by investing as much as possible on young people who have to work as you do anywhere else on the planet. Use the crisis as a pretext to justify the cuts is clearly an excuse Paraculo, at least in this case in question!
And, according to the very low opinion of the undersigned, would also be less hypocritical admit that a good part of the crisis that our country is suffering its own work and tax evasion other financial crimes (ie concern that the money that is missing in this crisis!) who have devoted themselves more and many of those politicians who have had the government, regardless of flag. Then you pass before a hand on their conscience, and their share of responsibility! In this particular case I would cite, as proof of what I say and also to respond to the Minister, the countless processes for tax evasion, false accounting, tax fraud, tax kickbacks and even money laundering who have seen - and still see! - Leading to our current Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the same man to whom the Minister Gelmini, carefully trained, did not forget to mention in his video. Processes known to all and on which anyone can learn at any time. Or processes that have not yet been completed, or who are lapsed, or processes that justice has declined to complete it lasted beyond the period of time reasonably foreseen and which, therefore, has never been allowed to light it did .

That said, let us listen to the brief answers to some of the opponents of reform.

; This video, produced by Union of Students in collaboration with the ' Student Link Assembly is divided into two parts, each of which lasts 2 minutes: the first describes a very direct and simple schematic representation of the internal problem that the university will have after the reform, or what is called governance, describes the new (and impoverished) role that the Senate will take up the introduction of the new organ, the Board of Directors and the risks involved in giving the power in the hands of external bodies who have no interest in treating the condition universities, in the second part is focused on the figure of the researcher and the worsening of his condition following the implementation of the reform in law.

Reform explained by Professor Picone

In this video, Prof. Giusto Picone, Professor of Latin Literature at the Faculty Literature 's University of Palermo, expressed in a short 7 minute interview some contradictions inherent in the reform, namely the fact that many of the problems it seeks to resolve are in fact exacerbated by itself, and tacitly unspoken: the organization of governance, the problem of competition for teachers and University of the barons, the old issue of precarious researchers and their blackmail and the risks they take students.

Franceschini's intervention: the language of the sword hurts more

close with the harangue delivered by ' Hon Dario Franceschini (Democratic Party) which, apart from the tone of reproach, it provides valuable data and evidence on the contradictions of economic reform and the Berlusconi government in other past issues, deals with cuts financial as well as they have been implemented by this government and the municipality, in my view is commendable, the weight and legitimacy of the student demonstrations which instead have been opposed by Prime Minister Berlusconi when he said the real students should stay home and study instead of to the streets to demonstrate.

The bill was finally approved December 23, 2010 . Once it is published in the Official Gazette, will assume the force of law in all respects.
Today is Christmas I rewrote a new letter to Santa Claus:

Dear Santa,
for this year I want a new Minister of Education.
What I had before no longer works .

( Constitution, Article 33, paragraph 1)

Merry Christmas to you all!


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