Friday, December 31, 2010

How Long I Must Change Sid

Thoughts transient year-end

There are people who live only with memories, trapped in their past, refugees in their memoirs, which were obviously very intense. There are people who rather spend their time to design, plan, organize their future, developing real obsessions and compulsive obsessions. There are people who live very listlessly in an eternal present, day by day, adjusting from time to time without asking too many questions about what needs to happen. It is very difficult to maintain a balanced relationship with time, but most importantly it is very difficult to scan in a harmonious way its internal time, because it affects our whole way of acting and thinking.
such differences can be observed also on a larger scale, on a cultural level. In some cultures, such as Christianity (from which stems in large part to modern culture), time is seen as a linear entity that runs along a definite direction, starting from the beginning not very well identified (the big bang? God's creation? ) culminating in a final and ultimate goal (the end of the world), while other cultures have learned to look at time as something cyclical, which is repeated regularly but have never started and never end: the case of the ancient Greek and the Mayan people back in vogue lately because of that alone ridicolissima which is the catastrophe of 2012.
I love to relate to the time a less schematic and more relative. Because in the end time is a human invention: there is no per se. So must be the man to beat time, not time to define the man. I think we should focus on this when it does something very important, something that perhaps should be noted and stored for good, something that should leave a mark on us ( carpe diem Orazio said his leuconoe: Seize the day) , while the vision, the care of our future I believe it is right to devote less daily and more intimate level, more personal, more private if we want, because while living in this one is free to interact with those who share our reality at that moment, the future is something that is not yet, is an image that we build within ourselves, it is only a creation of our own, highly personal and personalized. And the past? I will confess: I am a very nostalgic person, maybe because I had a very carefree that I am missing a lot, especially in current times, times when I can take a strong gap compared to what life was like in years past.

is my habit, and I believe the presumption of it is a good habit, living gazing at the past from time to time. A little 'not to lose track of what you are doing with their life, a little' because in the past have settled the experiences that have taught us to live and that sometimes we need to brush up out of an impasse, a little 'because, if we know where we come from, we can understand better where we are going. This habit could not be called the last day of the year: what better reason to take stock of the situation?
Well, it was a very strange year for me this 2010. It's been a year changes of major breakthroughs. I faced a choice that I was not a little scared, a choice that would indirectly affect my future life, especially at work. It was a year when I had to get involved, take a risk. Therefore, it was also a year of fears and concerns, hopes and - why not? - Challenging! That is why in 2010 I lived in a kind of suspended state, waiting and tension: it was as if my life had stopped temporarily to allow me to reassess my position in the world, to redefine my identity and to give a new name to my projects.
And when you make major changes, so here it is placed immediately in front of yourself, here you look in the mirror, as they say, and you are forced to revalue, to review, to fall to terms with themselves, to reorganize his inner certainty and the foundations of which until then were thought to consolidated or so. There are situations where you have to question, in which there arises new questions which can not be said that we can give an answer right away. When you live such an experience, come to the surface many issues of person who until then had been closed in the drawer of the ego. There are times when you need to be strong to not collapse under the weight of the innovations that are emerging.
But be strong in such a predicament is not something easy, because you are distracted by the anxiety to reach the target and, simultaneously, even from the fear of not succeeding. Especially when there is no evidence that could afford to make reasonably reliable predictions. And then you feel disoriented, you feel adrift, shipwrecked in the waters of "destiny" (I want to call it this time, although I do not believe in it). Look for points of reference, in and out of itself, is almost a vital need, an irrepressible need.
Fortunately for me, however, did not have to face this situation alone. Among the few people who shared with me that there was one major change in particular that has allowed me to come out the winner in this test of life. He is a person so dear to me that I have repeatedly thanked life for making me cross my existence to her and, indeed, have made them travel in parallel, these our lives! He is a person that I was able to blame when I needed it, which managed to move me when I lacked confidence, who listened to my doubts, my doubts with patience and care with which he dispensed his advice to me. I am not exaggerating when I say that I owe to her the change I was able to deal with.
I already thanked that person privately, ergo I will not here again. But, as I said at the beginning, I like to look back before the end of the year to take a look at my life overall, and looking back now I see her, because she was the to help me make sense of my years just finished, she was the person through whom my 2010 is completed in the manner of happiness. If she had not been there very likely at this time that my position in the world of which I said before, I would still be trying to reach . It noted that in recent months this person has been so faithful and constant presence (irrespective of the change that I dealt with) is an awareness that reassures me a lot, I pamper the mind, which fills me with confidence in the future and that gives me reason to smile. It feels so natural yet so rare! It almost seems like the first sensation experienced by the first man on earth.

But then he turns his gaze from the past to the future: turning the head, that I see here in me the usual image of the age to come, more or less sharp, more or less uncertain. It's time to wish for something, the moment of hope, to hope, to better define those boundaries. And I like this again, I wish to continue to have this person next to me in years to come. I like to hope that this dialogue almost as old as ourselves continue with the same honesty and the same respect. I like to hope that the mutual affection that comes from this course will fill more and more of himself, without reservation, since it is not likely ever to indigestion.

I catch myself smiling serenely. I think today will be a beautiful day! This is for you! And it is all your new year: Happy 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Miosotis And Milena Tits

Alfano This is perhaps a manifestation of democracy? Or was it a petty attempt to kill once and for all justice and the feeling that accompanies it? We


"This is perhaps a manifestation of democracy? Or was it a petty attempt to kill once and for all justice and the feeling that accompanies it? How can a government that is the mouthpiece of all the demands of justice to the largest unpresentable (...) can move with impunity without such a scandal that there is a genuine popular uprising ...? "

Take ink, paper and pen. Binned computers, keyboards, monitors and various technological bells and whistles. There is no money to maintain them. It 's the way a circular, signed by Stefano Aprile, general manager for automated information systems of the Ministry of Justice and sent aa Presidents of Courts of Appeals and state attorneys general.
Justice, in short, its already slow, will be without computer media. Minister Angelino Alfano does not know where to cut and chose to delete the software and technical assistance in the prosecuting authorities. The real risk for pm and judges, is that we should go back to archive research, including the folders of old documents.
lack the resources to pay for technical updating of software and then skip the real-time assistance. The magistrates more technology, says the circular, they can always call (in line with the budget) toll free and rely on the good heart of the operator on duty.
attorney dominate in bewilderment and concern. Rome's chief prosecutor Giovanni Ferrara said: "This decision threatens to cause serious functionality problems and liaison between the police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers. At this point we are no longer sure that we can continue to provide the same service to citizens. " Concern shared by the public prosecutor of Naples, Giandomenico Lepore: "We wonder what can be done, because in these conditions it is useless to go to work. If you want to walk to justice, we need to spend money. You can make all the proclamations that you want on the subject, but we must also realize when the government gets in the way judicial administration. "

Monday, December 27, 2010

Interview With Hard Rock Cafe

Scripta manent, No 2 - To be or not be

Let me give you a nice present time: I bring you none other than Shakespeare! I bring you his Hamlet, the melancholy Prince of Denmark but breathing homonymous tragedy, written four centuries ago, but he has put on stage feelings and emotions universal and ubiquitous in all men. I bring you the apotheosis of the drama of this prince, betrayed and disappointed man, whose soul was soiled with blood from a crime that just did not deserve, a crime which is an offense to the "noble mind," as Ophelia calls him that she loved so much, that prince who, after that tragedy, he learned to hate with the same force with which he loved.
The passage is the famous monologue of 'To be or not be , one of the most famous songs of all world literature, performed by the same Hamlet in Act III. Technically, rather than a monologue, it is a soliloquy in which Hamlet is uncertain whether there is reason to live (be) or die (not be), whether it is more "noble" fight against the penis or indulge in them; is a soliloquy where he speaks of death as a sleep, a sleep that many times you want to escape from excessive pain, but a death do not have the courage to give of ourselves, perhaps with a "naked" dagger so simply because we are afraid of what we might find later, the penalties that may be even greater than those of which we complain about in life, a death which we fear the consequences, which are much more afraid as they are unknown. And because of this fear, the will to end it fades, it becomes pale under the weight of our thought and deliberation that is not reflected in concrete actions.


To be or not, this is the dilemma:
Is it nobler to suffer in his own mind
stones and darts the adverse fate,
or instead take up arms against a sea of \u200b\u200btroubles
and put an end to their strength to fight? To die, to sleep.
nothing else, and by a sleep to say we end
the suffering of the heart, and a thousand insults natural
whose flesh is heir, and this is indeed a conclusion
devoutly to be desired. To die, to sleep;
sleeping, maybe dreaming. Alas, here is the obstacle;
because in that sleep of death, the dreams may come,
when we are freed from the tangle of this mortal coil,
should give us reason to hesitate: this is the scruple
that makes evil so durable:
For who would bear the whips and the derision of the century,
the wrongs of the oppressor, the outrages of the proud,
of suffering ' unrequited love, the law's delay,
the insolence of those in power, and offense
that patient merit from those who are unworthy,
when he himself could give peace
with a bare bodkin? Who would bear the weight
to groan and sweat under a life weak,
except that the dread of something after death
- that land whose boundaries unexplored by any traveler
Back - perplexes the will,
and makes us bear those ills we already have,
instead fly to others that we do not know nothing?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
and so the original color of the decision
is made unhealthy by the pale hue of thought,
And enterprises of great height and large-scale
with this scruple divert their course via
And lose the name of action.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act III, Scene I

But I believe that such a text, is a duty to offer it even in its original, because in poetry than in prose, that is the saying "translator is a traitor." In English it is quite another thing! Who was the lover of the British language, or simply the language of Shakespeare also recommended to read the original text, and maybe peek at the scene of the soliloquy from the film Hamlet directed by Kenneth Branagh in 1996, the versione cinematografica dell’ Amleto più bella che abbia mai visto.

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
or to take arms against a sea of troubles
and, by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep.
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
that flesh is heir to; ’tis a consummation
devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
to sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the rub;
for in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
when we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
must give us pause: there’s the respect
that makes calamity of so long life:
for who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
the oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
the pangs of disprized love, the law’s delay,
the insolence of office, and the spurns
that patient merit of the unworthy takes,
when he himself might his quietus make
with a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
to grunt and sweat under a weary life,
but that the dread of something after death
– the undiscovered country from whose bourn
no traveller returns – puzzles the will,
and make us rather bear those ills we have,
than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
and thus the native hue of resolution
is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
and enterprises of great pitch and moment
with this regard their currents turn awry
and lose the name of action.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Speech Corporate Anniversary

Gelmini Reform: A Discussion on its effects

     Nel mio precedente post ho fatto un rapido cenno alle proteste studentesche che recentemente were raised against the bill on university reform Minister Gelmini. This time I would write two lines on a lot effects of the design once approved. In the beginning my goal was to read the full text and then write considerations, but I had to leave this decision for two reasons: 1) you can not find the final text of the bill until it has not been published in the Official Gazette (which comes shortly after the approval of a bill), 2) even if I had found the definitive text el'avessi read and understood all, the fact of having presented I would have been a lack of objectivity.
I felt far more constructive and efficient (and shorter) to bring together in one post the video where you simulate a dialogue, a debate, a real comparison between the parties on the content design and its consequences, where the video is talking about the people directly concerned, namely: on one hand the Minister Gelmini himself and other critics of the reform. It is very accessible and short video displaying in my opinion in a clear and unequivocal point of view of both parties. My goal in doing so, is twofold: on one hand I wish that you did about the problem, because when listening to both sides come out a lot more things in this way people can form an opinion much more free of the problem. Secondly, if you compare the two factions emerge in a much more obvious contradictions of the party is wrong, most difficult thing to do when investigating a question by considering only one aspect of it.
It is clear that finding one person who speaks all the contents of the decree is impossible so I have linked several videos, each of which is about one thing in a different way. Below each link is a brief caption that should direct you to the content. I chose to publish videos that were not extracted from a newscast or a few of these programs for political debate, just because you could say I'm part of sources: my wish is that you see them all and in fact I have reported others. I hope that will help to understand.
For cavalry, would begin to talk about the Minister himself, who, from his YouTube channel it is silent on the issue.

Minister Gelmini seeks to prepare public opinion and to reassure the students, fearing that they are all been brainwashed and conditioned by the "barons" who have an interest in maintaining the status quo. While it is true that in many young people (students or not) there is no consciousness of what is happening around them, and then it is true that they are easily influenced, but I find it extremely unlikely and I refuse to believe that the whole body of those who complain - I'm not alone, attention, students but also professors, deans, researchers and even casual students of foreign countries with which Italy has nothing to do! - Has decided to go on holiday and the brain is made duped by these barons. I refuse to believe that none of these people have been able to clear mind to think about the problem. I refuse to believe that hundreds of thousands of people are stupid all of a sudden, who did not understand anything and they have all misunderstood when a single minister has the actual reason.
After preparing the soil, the Gelmini try to give an account of the most important aspects of his reform, trying to answer the criticisms that have been made in that regard. In doing so she calls into question the principles of right itself, appeals to the needs really exists in our university and says he wants to solve long-standing issues that are actually present in the environment of teaching (for example, speak of need to reward the most deserving , 's need to rationalize resources, the fight against baronies, so all those things condivisibilissime) however is not convinced that as the "critical".
I think it is appropriate to point out that the minister's appeal to a particular criterion, for the duration of the video, to justify its intervention, or that it is necessary that make cuts and streamline resources due to the economic crisis of our country. That is, according to the Minister, as we pass the bad, someone has to pay. And who do you think you have to sacrifice is their education: you take this area and using the funds for it to do something else (and never mind for now is that other thing).
the undersigned, in all his humility, believes that it makes little sense cut in that area in whose hands is the future of the country, but it would be much better if governments were to stop (if not solve) the crisis by drawing up a ' appropriate economic policy, those which are not subject to the influences of corporate or personal needs of some politicians who are not only political but at the same time are also industrial-business owners, who therefore have every incentive to make laws that put their in hand as much money as possible, even if it means slowing down the economy to create economic monopolies generally. Education is not to have to sacrifice to meet the crisis are governments that are required to resolve the crisis by investing as much as possible on young people who have to work as you do anywhere else on the planet. Use the crisis as a pretext to justify the cuts is clearly an excuse Paraculo, at least in this case in question!
And, according to the very low opinion of the undersigned, would also be less hypocritical admit that a good part of the crisis that our country is suffering its own work and tax evasion other financial crimes (ie concern that the money that is missing in this crisis!) who have devoted themselves more and many of those politicians who have had the government, regardless of flag. Then you pass before a hand on their conscience, and their share of responsibility! In this particular case I would cite, as proof of what I say and also to respond to the Minister, the countless processes for tax evasion, false accounting, tax fraud, tax kickbacks and even money laundering who have seen - and still see! - Leading to our current Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the same man to whom the Minister Gelmini, carefully trained, did not forget to mention in his video. Processes known to all and on which anyone can learn at any time. Or processes that have not yet been completed, or who are lapsed, or processes that justice has declined to complete it lasted beyond the period of time reasonably foreseen and which, therefore, has never been allowed to light it did .

That said, let us listen to the brief answers to some of the opponents of reform.

; This video, produced by Union of Students in collaboration with the ' Student Link Assembly is divided into two parts, each of which lasts 2 minutes: the first describes a very direct and simple schematic representation of the internal problem that the university will have after the reform, or what is called governance, describes the new (and impoverished) role that the Senate will take up the introduction of the new organ, the Board of Directors and the risks involved in giving the power in the hands of external bodies who have no interest in treating the condition universities, in the second part is focused on the figure of the researcher and the worsening of his condition following the implementation of the reform in law.

Reform explained by Professor Picone

In this video, Prof. Giusto Picone, Professor of Latin Literature at the Faculty Literature 's University of Palermo, expressed in a short 7 minute interview some contradictions inherent in the reform, namely the fact that many of the problems it seeks to resolve are in fact exacerbated by itself, and tacitly unspoken: the organization of governance, the problem of competition for teachers and University of the barons, the old issue of precarious researchers and their blackmail and the risks they take students.

Franceschini's intervention: the language of the sword hurts more

close with the harangue delivered by ' Hon Dario Franceschini (Democratic Party) which, apart from the tone of reproach, it provides valuable data and evidence on the contradictions of economic reform and the Berlusconi government in other past issues, deals with cuts financial as well as they have been implemented by this government and the municipality, in my view is commendable, the weight and legitimacy of the student demonstrations which instead have been opposed by Prime Minister Berlusconi when he said the real students should stay home and study instead of to the streets to demonstrate.

The bill was finally approved December 23, 2010 . Once it is published in the Official Gazette, will assume the force of law in all respects.
Today is Christmas I rewrote a new letter to Santa Claus:

Dear Santa,
for this year I want a new Minister of Education.
What I had before no longer works .

( Constitution, Article 33, paragraph 1)

Merry Christmas to you all!

Pokémon Light Platinum De Gba



behavior shameful, shameful and hypocritical that the, have so much respect and indulgence for an influential politician (even bet on the League!) To do care to treat him with kid gloves, the excuse that it has two minor children, the voters, its citizens and then along with the right to be informed then count as the two of spades (...) I wonder if the same respect you may have for Roma children with an immigrant or foreign, that I know you do not hesitate to make "preventive arrests" ( Coccaglio (link) etc, ) even in the presence of minor children or very young (.. .) truly at times our press can not touch the surreal touches the top of "lyricism" and maccabro humor out of the ordinary!
among other things, I wonder what they think women (not saying feminists) of this care, domestic violence does not seem to be more joined the ranks of the shares of stigma in certain media from " save first the women and children "pass to save-before-the-children-and-the-boss! OK my hat!
It cites the name, but by a modest research on the internet and thanks to "God" does not pay Google gets a lot of effort to find out who it is (do not let him satisfaction) political figure who is very influential at the local level, involved in the scandal of a province moralist, racist, xenophobic, ready to fling the poor wretch chicken thief and move with great difficulty for the valley swept away by a good family tragic circumstances of a marital crisis and politics, because the moralist sgam with both hands in the cookie jar comes up with bold white disenchantment a: "to be entered only once in that apartment" and then immediately released "because the environment did not like ' !
Had a bit of salt in place of "green mold" will appeal to the sacred and legitimate right of privacy
(link) c ike this If shows (...)

The joke seems to be a cabaret, recalled the priest surprised with his pants dropped and says "only volumes I was doing a sermon to my lost sheep! "
"A family story ... this land in the dirty clothes to wash in the family so to speak, in the narrow suffocating, claustrophobic environment of the tower also because not everyone has a skeleton in the closet and "slander" is a wicked wind!
This silent even political opponents of the measure of his character which I dare to assume influence of the mafia, because I know so much modesty of silence so that they verge on the complicity!
(even when they blatantly abused quotes ...)
If you give a look to the article that came out in spite of everything you can read between the lines the arrogant opinionated arrogance of the character, leaving the portrait of a man without scruples, but what I hit is that even Silvio Berlusconi (in terms of chutzpah I thought nobody could beat him ...) when the first legal trouble, accusations and not the least like those mafia (...) processes, and dare to move forward, put on the minor children had to Lerona Lario!
the axle that I suspect that we were all inhuman with the man who then become our Premier, our Prime Minister, like Mr. Berlusconi accept my sincerest apologies for the insult that caused mental and moral integrity at the time of her children.

The - \u200b\u200b BELLUNO (Dec. 22) - omit the name, to protect the two younger children, but he is known to have more than one administrative office and a deputy mayor in City of Valbelluna. A bad story (link) read on the deepening (link) ....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hiding A Tongue Piercing From Parents

JESUS \u200b\u200bvs SANTA CLAUS - Christmas 2010 BEST WISHES TO ALL weapon


Camilla Rodrigues Tran Beginners



Click image for full access to the photo gallery of the cases documented with an image, I assure you that you will be surprised, shocked ....
Here are some examples of mass hysteria, as you install this phenomenon remains a mystery for most of today's psychiatry, the more so that takes very different ways, what is certain is that This phenomenon can be promoted, developed artificially
with refined technique is proved by the determination with which the policy attempts to reproduce the effects sometimes successfully, Goebels undisputed master as you have seen during the Nazi-Fascism.
In some cases, photo gallery and more eccentric below another manifestation of the same phenomenon resumed when the hysteria is cloaked with the cult of personality, one of the more mundane manifestations of the phenomenon (... ) The price of the myth of the "heroes" and "good" causes, the flag and all the multitude of symbols to reinforce the image that you wish to accept the apparatus emphatic celebrant the liturgy and whatever, I do not need to dwell on it as well ....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bed Bath And Beyond Towel Storage


The teachers of the House Federica
there wish you a merry Christmas
and a happy new year!

The Wizard of Christmas

If I were a magician Christmas
would appear
a Christmas tree in every house, every apartment from
floor tiles,
but not the fake tree,
plastic painting
a real fir tree, a mountain pine, with a little
'true wind
entangled among the branches, to send

smell of resin in all rooms, and on the branches
the magical fruit gifts
for all.

Then with my wand I would go about magic

through all available channels. All this would
If I were a magician. But they are not

how can I do?
that I did not wish to give:

I have so many cards to choose what you want,
take them all.

Gianni Rodari

Friday, December 17, 2010

White Jokes Are There Any Good White Jokes?

Student protests: dissent ignored

Just 24 hours after the previous post, I'm back to writing about current events, invigorated by a new faith in the power of words (not mine, of course: the word in general) and the necessity of having to talk, maybe even the wind, as long as you speak.
As you know, recently there have been demonstrations organized by students in our capital Gelmini signed against the university reform and against the vote of confidence that the government has obtained (or, according to some, bought). Between an event and the other there were also clashes with the police, because in some cases the situation has worsened.
Before we start talking about with this movie that we act only as a starting point, but that will not represent in itself the object of reflection. I chose a program that many were "left", so not fair, but unfortunately it is one of the few remaining in which they invited politicians from both sides , where there is so the possibility of replication and right to be heard, all of which are lacking in other television networks, where the Barbarian D'Urso, the Big Brothers and Friends some of Maria De Filippi have an obligation to distract the people talking about something else and where, in the rare event that we are talking about politics, politicians are only a certain address, no other ... that is in contradiction

Three ways to express
Let us now an important difference at the outset. The modes of expression can be divided into three types, according to me.
There are primarily the peaceful demonstrations, or those with processions with banners when they stand a chorus of protest and that, at most, a few are close road (right guaranteed by law), or spread a bit 'of manure and / or dirt in front of symbolic places of power.
Then there are the events involving violence and public disorder, just as those organized for the purpose, but where the classic and inevitable "hot heads" (which are always present in all environments ), often without even knowing why they are there, they decide to vent their anger and let themselves get carried away with quite similar to those conducted Ultras supporters who take a beating on the steps of the stages (see for example the famous days of the G8 summit in Genoa in which we escaped even the dead): This type course of events is, in itself, openly condemned because it is not right to block social and economic activities of a city, especially then even if this means putting at risk the physical safety of innocent citizens, more or less unrelated to the events ... in such cases is the message of the philosopher Mill that an individual's freedom ends where the other begins.
Finally, there are events in which one is compelled to react in a less peaceful than usual because of an unacceptable withdrawal of rights that have been enjoyed so far: my professor of history at the high school taught me the fact that revolutions (large and small) always arise when a people are denied all of a sudden the rights to at that time were considered essential. And if you think so: this is what triggers the "violent" reaction of the masses, otherwise not explained why a horde of people would voluntarily go to risk their physical safety, which is something completely unnatural. An example of this was the French Revolution. In such cases the reaction violent clashes with security forces may become the only way that people have to recover those rights are denied, may be the last resort, the only weapon you have available. In a democracy, when the dialogue is refused, when the demands of a people are not being heard and his dissent ignored, then you move to a different level of response, more and more violent. But this is an obvious phenomenon, spontaneous and natural, since it starts to prevail more and more the instinct of survival as the laws cease to protect the people.

But no ...
Perhaps now you are thinking that I want to justify the violence occurred in Rome in the last hour making this speech. But no. To give an opinion like that you should make the strict investigations, as Santoro said in the video, is the responsibility of the judiciary find out who has gone beyond the limit allowed and what were the triggers these excesses. And if it turns out that the degree of violence that has come to be guilty of unjustified black block, it is right that they pay because violence is unacceptable unjustifiable unless extreme or very serious, as it is right that pay if it turns out that the police had overreacted by abusing their position. But apportioning blame is not what you want to do here. This is not the object of reflection.

However it is undeniable ... that
What I blend for the head and that I can say with certainty is rather that we can discuss (or rather: you should discuss ) how much you want to know if these episodes of conflict are to be attributed to a vandalism for its own sake or whether they are the result of a rope pulled too much from a government that has neglected to listen to the excessively general dissent. However there is no doubt that dissent demonstrated by a significant proportion of Italian students and faculty (and even part of the stranger!) has not been heard As there is no doubt that in our country's political class for many years not interprets needs of the community. In fact, I remember, politicians have an obligation by law to manage the affairs of the state to realize that those are the will of the people, not their personal needs . So it works in a democracy. Therefore, when this is done, when the power to make decisions that people are not comfortable, not caring that the people do not go well, technically (and forgive me if I sink into banality) politicians are not doing their job or are deliberately ignoring the will of citizens who is the only will that count under the law : in fact, our good old Constitution tells us that " sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised '(Article 1, Section 2), that We us citizens to command. Then it is clear that a little 'strange if this one is our policy to their ears in front of students that NO, this reform, just do not want it. It's like a fire alarm sounding in a building there because of the fire, but, in the same building, the exits are blocked and they forgot the willingness of people to come out, even if those ports were placed there for the same people. And suppose also that the people are composed entirely of empty heads who do not understand anything, again paradoxically, the political class would have to make laws that reflect the popular will. But we are not at these levels: there is still among us, who can use your head, who knows how to think.

So ...
So, in conclusion, the movie beyond the student of political science, Santoro, La Russa, the which we do not care anything in this context and which served only as a starting point, we living today, more than in other legislatures, a situation in which the popular will not only not being heard (and only this already enough to invalidate the conduct of these politicians), but even insulted her with blows of "Shut up! " and" Coward! " (which is the ultimate lack of respect and dialogue between the parties, conduct all the more serious as required by a Minister), as you saw in the video by the likes of The Russian, using rhetorical techniques worthy of a Vittorio Sgarbi and where the right to demonstrate dissent (where the courts determined that was not responsible for and direct cause of violence) is accused of being "apology to crime" .
When you started talking about this university reform, I smelled a bit 'the fact that almost all students and teachers are against, if a reform is indeed good, then it is accepted by at least majority (as was the case for reform of family law of 1975, for example). Here, however, an entire country was mobilized against! Why, I wondered, should these people show so sharp against a reform that protects them? It is obviously not good to the end that protects them, obviously not everything that the Minister Gelmini said is true, obviously the TG5 our minister spoke of reform, telling it a bit 'in her own way (so no one would have contradicted!), as obviously we can not trust the same TG5, which spoke about the student protests (from the beginning and indiscriminately) as an act totally unjustified and without a legitimate reason for being, as if they were mad all of a sudden, equating grimly vandalism to the sacred right of free expression of the dissent from people who just wanted to be heard instead, it is their right. How is it right for all. Therefore, If my history teacher was right, it is true that when the state does not representative of the will of the people you get to the unrest or even revolution, and if it is true (and true) that the Italian people these years not feel represented by their political class, then the conclusion of this syllogism is of concern. Perhaps it would be good to learn from history and respect the will of most of the people, maybe they avoid disturbances far more serious than those of Rome.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Synester Gates Hair Style

confidence in the Government and a sip of indifference

From a few hours have ended the voting for the renewal of confidence in the Government. Yahoo! know that I would expect maybe talk here, and I will not conceal that the temptation has touched me more than once. Usually I like to put in writing about news and politics in general comment on current events, if only for a sort of my innate need to say what I think is the truth, a truth which does not feel never say on TV a truth that is constantly being hidden by the news and certain publications, a truth that most people would not want to even hear or accept the simple fact that it is much easier to keep the stories we were told, ready-made, so, without bothering to check whether reflect the reality the facts. The rest get rid of certain patterns coast! And who calls people to do so is seen as a nuisance ... But it certainly speaks to me right now, not anyone think of the philosopher Socrates was condemned to death because they did not want to teach the Athenians to think their heads to Jesus who died on the cross because, teaching the ethics of love and brotherhood, questioned the figure of the emperor and his power over the nations of the Middle East think also that Galileo was forced to recant because its truth ridiculed the Church's role as having knowledge about the world ... Also, in history, who wants to say uncomfortable truth is overshadowed, discredited or even killed.
Maybe now you understand why I would when I have these attacks, to talk and say things as they are, give my modest contribution. Yes, even by simply writing on a blog. Whatever the truth be told by someone in some way, because fear is such that it remains buried ... This time, however, I will analyze the issue, as I did in the past and how I will surely in the future on this blog itself: they are too discouraged even at this time to satisfy that innate need that I was saying before.

are discouraged to see my old politicians on their seats while the young are forced to stand by and watch in the rear ranks of politics, while this gerontocratic monster grows before their eyes and feeds the false hopes of poor people who cling to any promise for fear of starving to death or drown themselves in debt, they are discouraged because, as the comedian Paolo Rossi said, "Today in Parliament representation that is more representative, "since" politics has become television audience, " Benigni looked like (another comic ... toh!) are also discouraged when I see them, these politicians argue and fight in court rather than use the word in a critical way, when I see them accuse without listening, and I take an anger to Running accusations at each other without really addressing anyone, without those words are picked up at least one second and used for analysis, they are unmotivated because political dialogue is no longer part of the baggage of my operating ministers, left and right , and is unmotivated because in recent years is allowing a person to hold political office in the most blatant violation of applicable laws (laws that are trying to change lest it be said that the violation), a person who has built an entire media empire "falsifying balance sheets and cash bribing judges" (Luttazzi: still a comedian!), through which the judiciary to carry out the investigation which rightly want to do to take off those legitimate doubts about the source of that money ... That money continues to enter the mindset of the generations as the one true lord and engine of social action.

This time I can not appeal to my polemic (perhaps because it's Friday will be 17?). For months in which everything happens in a hurried, where facts are hard to overlook each other and try to reconstruct the thread of events in a perspective sense. Probably tomorrow I will already be past and will continue to collect data and texts on the most important things of the moment, as I always did, as the decree of the Minister Gelmini on university reform, or the protest of Italian students and those of the rest ' Europe have shown their solidarity ... Tonight, however, I feel a little 'dead inside in not being able to "rebel" and this I believe is the worst thing of all. If a citizen is tired of responding is really over. Come early tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What To Write In Sobriety

(Dis) pleasure to know

also to give an idea of \u200b\u200bmy crazy side, and since it seems to me just introduce to the reader in a more systematic way, I propose the following autointervista.
Warning: This post is an idiot, can have strange side effects. Keep out of reach of children, pregnant women and heart disease. If symptoms persist, then maybe ... it worked.

[waiting for the more bigoted: jokes are about to read a bit 'bawdy, provocative and irreverent about various topics, for example in relation to sex. If you take offense easily and have a sense of humor of a blender, do not read.]


Aniello Juan-Carlos Gustavo Maria Ronaldo.

Turiddu (which clearly betrays my Latin American origin).

I'm alive for almost 24 years (almost 24 years and nine months, if we see it from the point of view of the Vatican).

undicembre 32.

Place of birth?
In a manger cold and dirty, in the midst of an ox and a donkey.

One thing I admire in a person?
know how to burp. There is a friend of mine is very good: his specialty is the burp in four days. He called "burp Diesel".

thinks he's a handsome man?
I tell you only this: when I walk down the street do I turn my head to women ... the other side.

You Tattoo?
No, but I thought to myself tattooed on his penis following the name of the molecule: (10R, 13R)-17 -10.13-dimethyl-(6-metileptan-2-yl) -2, 3,4,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,17-dodecahydrate-1H-cyclopenta [α] phenanthrene-3-ol "... For friends" cholesterol. "

The most blatant that you have done?
A fart from 80 decibels to 40 seconds. Since then my dog \u200b\u200bruns away when he sees me shivering under the bed!

you have pets?
Including my bird?

Got a dream?
I have so many! When they become too many moves them in the closet: it is bigger (because the Wardrobe "understands" more).

Are you punctual?
are punctual! Look, if I want to make a beast just waiting for me ... I am so precise that Switzerland has granted me citizenship and Flick Flack pay me royalties.

Your favorite food?
tasting pasta with parmesan, with a hint of potato gateau, all sprinkled with slices of salami Milanese, Swiss cheese and a slice of lasagna (to give that little bit more) ... Then for second, however ...

What is your favorite movie genre?
Apart from the porn?

And the last porn movie you saw?
porn was a tragic background to set in Spain about a count of Carlos Love that name, because of his unbridled desire for sex, he loses everything and all its suffering, enduring pain and suffering more atrocious ... the title was Love's Labour's .

be soft or give it up?
give up, if we are talking about farts.

There is the friendship between man and woman?
I believe that the possession of a penis or a vagina can not undermine the will of a feeling as friendship ... Even if it does not apply if your name is Franco Califano.

Because many couples have sex in the car?
Because if he is tired, you can use the gear lever!

You love to be in the spotlight?
Of course, if I'm doing a burping contest.

're opposed to homosexuality?
No, not at all. Although when I look at couples like Costanzo and De Filippi a bit 'I think about it ...

violence solves problems?
According to Vittorio Sgarbi, yes!

What is the political party that supports?
matter for which Vaseline is not necessary.

never made a reed?
say that I saw once in an episode of Men and women: it is the same thing.

Did you ever cry for love?
Yes, the joy when I left.

Favorite position in making love?
I below and above my hand.

favorite vegetable?
Cucumber: it is multi-purpose (the pure in spirit, perhaps, not understand).

It is better to have it long or should know how to use?
If you ask this question, then it is better to an inflatable doll.

You need to tell a woman who is not your type, using tact, what you say?
You're so ugly that when you walk in public bathroom of a sudden there is a process in more!

Never had a car accident?
Yes, that night in Paris with Diana on board.

never had a fracture?
Once I broke my nose while I took off a snots.

Who back to life?
Piero Fassino.

Who would you kill?
Oh, there are things much worse than death ... Get Gigi D'Alessio, for example ...

Who do you hate?
Well ... I'm a peaceful ... even if Max Giusti a bidet with muriatic acid, I'd do him!

Giuliano Ferrara is depressed because of his obesity. What did you say?
Courage, Giuly, do not break down. You are a beautiful person, very worth: worth weight in gold.

Do you believe in luck?
No! It's a fucking pallista!

existential question: What comes after life?
I hope not the Big Brother (aiutooo!).

What would you do if one day your daughter told you she wants to do the tissue paper?
put them in the hands of a few grams of cocaine and say, 'Rather be' and shop! Make me proud of you. "

Finish this proverb: "Who is saying ...?
"... is single."

Who would you be?
The most of drug-resistant HIV in the gonads of sneaking Silvio Berlusconi.

What frightens you?
The idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to the bathroom, after which there was my brother.

Are you a handy?
Wow! They are so handy in the morning I brush my teeth and pee at the same time: to avoid using your hands to use my erections looking at a poster depicting a scene of orgy.

an ontological question that you do often?
But Alvaro Vitali as he did not get to come conjunctivitis Fenech spying for years by a small hole in the wall?!

One thing that does not change?
the money to go to France: they also use the euro.

Favourite smell?
"Water ... tap ".

Sea or mountain?
Mountain ... I grew up watching Heidi while my friends drool behind Pamela Anderson of Bay Watch childhood ... sooo hard!

Your favorite color?
Blu scarlet.

What's your sign?
Macaque with diarrhea, according to the Mayan calendar (the calendar bee Maya ... No, wait ...).

do not know, I'm still attending ... but I go to bed.

Your favorite poet?
Joshua ... but Carducci. Joshua, the cook in the house: its pizzas are a poem!