Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bluetooth Mousedongle Hack

Scripta manent, n.3 - Pasolini against television

What I propose this time is the classic song of prophecy, of those who read them, he exclaimed: "Wow What foresight! "Or" A great lesson! Today, as then, "... the classic song" ever present ", in short. But perhaps you even more convinced when I tell you that the words are about to read are Pier Paolo Pasolini.
was the year 1973: Italy now through the parable of the economic boom, reaction to the extreme poverty suffered during the war. It is experiencing, and is taking root, the capitalist mentality. What's more, the consumer, which resulted in what Pasolini calls this "Hedonism mass, "or that way of life that man should be shaped by power (the" Center ") in the image of a blind and neurotic consumer that finds its satisfaction only in the fulfillment of his desires with assets of consumption proposed by the same power that teaches you to consume. In this fine Pasolini talks about this transformation in the modus vivendi of the neo-Italian, fresh from a constitution that would restore dignity to a people whose national identity is still uncertain, talk, particularly the role that television has had in this. But do not talk about it as a means of information, but as an instrument used by the power to dis-educate the men, strip them of all humanity and dignity. It speaks, as a form of power itself, which has become autonomous: the power of indoctrination whose work has surpassed even that of fascist ideology.
A page of an important thinker end, where it is reported that much is still present today, and today more than then. An invitation to peer into the television, rather than looking at it.


No fascist centralism has managed to do what he did the centralization of a consumer society. Fascism brought an model, reactionary and monumental, but it remained a dead letter. The various particular cultures (peasant underclass, working class) continued unperturbed to conform to their ancient models: the repression was limited to obtaining their support in words. Today, on the contrary, adherence to the models imposed by the Centre, and that is unconditional. The models are real cultural renegades. The renunciation is done. We can therefore say that the "tolerance" of the hedonist ideology intended by the new power, is the worst of the repression of human history. As we have been able to exert this repression? Through two revolutions, internal organization bourgeois revolution in infrastructure and the revolution of the information system. The roads, the engine etc.. are now closely linked to the periphery to the center, removing any material distance. But the revolution in information system has been even more radical and decisive. Through television, the Center treated as if the whole country that was so different and historically rich cultures of the original. He started work for approval of any destructive authenticity and practicality. He imposed that is - as I said - its models are models taken from the new industrialization, which no longer satisfied with a man who consumes, but claims that are not conceive of other ideologies than that of consumption. A neo-secular hedonism, blindly oblivious to any humanistic value and blindly alien to the human sciences. The previous ideology and sets the desired power was, as you know, religion and Catholicism, in fact, was the only cultural phenomenon that formally "approved" the Italians. Now it has become a competitor of that new cultural phenomenon "approved" which is the hedonism of mass and, as a competitor, the new power for some years has begun to liquidate. There is not anything religious in the model of Young Men and Young Women proposed and imposed by television. They are two people who lend support to the life only through its Consumer goods (and, of course, still go to Mass on Sunday in a car). The Italians have enthusiastically accepted this new model that television requires them according to the creative production of well-being (or, rather, salvation from misery). Have accepted it, but I'm really able to make it happen?
No. O materially only partially implementing it, becoming a caricature, or fail to realize that in so small measure from becoming victims. Frustration or even neurotic anxiety states are now collective mood. For example, the Underclass, until a few years ago, respected the culture and not ashamed of his ignorance. Indeed, they were proud of its popular model of illiterates in possession but the mystery of reality. They looked with some disdain the swaggering "spoiled children", the petty bourgeoisie, from which they dissociate, even when they were forced to serve them. Now, on the contrary, they begin to feel ashamed of their ignorance, have renounced their own cultural model (the young do not remember him even more, they have completely lost), and the new model trying to imitate does not include illiteracy and roughness. The boys underclass - humiliated - erasing their identity card to the end of their job, to replace it with the title of "student". Of course, since they began to be ashamed of their ignorance, have also begun to despise the culture (typical middle-class, they have been acquired by imitation). At the same time, the young middle-class, adapting the model, "TV" - which, as its own class to create and will, he is essentially natural - becomes strangely rude and unhappy. If the underclass have become completely bourgeois, the bourgeois have sottoproletarizzati. The culture they produce, as technological and strictly pragmatic, prevents the old "man" who is still in its developing. This results in them a sort of shrunken faculties intellectual and moral. The responsibility of television in all this is enormous. Certainly not as "technical means", but as an instrument of power and power itself. It is not just a place through which pass messages, but it is a center of computer messages. It is the place where a specific mentality that would not otherwise would have nowhere to place. It is through the spirit of the television which is manifested in practice the spirit of the new power. There is no doubt (it can be seen from the results) that television is authoritarian and repressive why no media outlet in the world. The fascist newspaper and the writings on the farms of Mussolini's slogans are funny: as (with pain) the plow compared to a tractor. Fascism, I repeat, it was basically can not even scratch the soul of the Italian people: the new fascism, the new means of communication and information (especially, of course, television) not only has scratched but has torn, broken, ugly forever.

Pier Paolo Pasolini, Corriere della Sera of December 9, 1973


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