Monday, March 14, 2011

Tortue Scene In Movies

March 12, 2011: "Italy has awoken." National demonstration in defense of the Constitution

Until a few days ago it was possible to watch this spot ...

... it was early with what I think was one of the most beautiful events of national scope in recent years. They baptized C-day and it is a ' huge event, which took place Saturday, March 12, 2011 in more than a hundred Italian cities, made in defense of our Constitution , the fundamental law of our Republic .
On March 12, the Italians have rediscovered the streets: thousands and thousands of citizens took to in the street with ' explicit objective of demonstrating and externalize their dissent against the draft legislation provides that Silvio Berlusconi's concern amendments to some articles of the Italian Constitution and in general "reform" in a suspicious manner and questionable laws of our country. Let us not forget, for those who still do not know, that, to cite one example, at the moment is implementing a reform of the justice that aims to change the "Title IV of the Constitution , ie that set of articles (101 to 113) that regulate ' organization and functioning of the Judiciary , that is the organ of democratic power that deals punish those who break the laws : a very important reform for people like Berlusconi, has a crazy fear of ending up in jail now because of too many processes that weigh against him.
Rome, Milan, Florence, Bologna, Pisa, Naples, Turin, Palermo, Reggio Emilia, Trieste, Genoa, Padua, Aosta, Perugia, Potenza ... are only a handful of Italian cities in which this event took place and each has its own self-managed way. Banners everywhere, a triumph of Italian flag, a stage set from which they were made commemorative and celebratory songs, readings of the most beautiful and important articles of the Constitution and the speeches given by people who have given their testimonials membership, as Flack, of the neovincitore ' last festival of Sanremo, or soprano Cristina Cordero, who eventually did not have it become more and burst into tears after singing the ' me laugh, or even the Nobel laureate Dario Fo ... all done without the slightest disorder in the fullest respect for the ' public policy. But because this event was so beautiful? I believe that the reasons are at least five:
1) As I said at ' beginning, it was a great opportunity for cohesion of Italian citizens, and, let's face it, this is a rare thing for us , People of the Boot, which generally give us the chorus all together when they play the national football team. Since the earliest times of ' age of communism, in the late Middle Ages, the peninsula has always lived our individual realities and deeply divided, if not often in explicit contrast with each other. The same Massimo D 'Azeglio , all ' day after the Risorgimento, he wrote My memories the famous phrase "has made her Italy, but Italians do not."
2) This desire to feel united spontaneously gave a slap on the wrist like that of plagiarism society exquisitely Berlusconi, who always aims to divide people rather than to unite it : I speak the way that our Prime Minister to gain success with the tactic of playing off one against the other with the usual phrases motto, such "These dirty communist ce ' have with me (so either you're with him six or Communist: there is no third choice), or "this is an attack on my person made from red robes" (ie: if in a trial acquitted him, well, if you condemn, you are a communist, thus excluding from ' collective imagination the possibility that he may actually be guilty of something), or "Who is left to vote a jerk! "(no, not this comment) ... and in general its tendency to appear unseemly, ugly, reprehensible everything that does not fall in what he says. I know you're thinking: " But this is crazy! " But do you want? A Silvio find it hard to get out of himself when he believes something he likes to refer to that famous aphorism of Protagoras that " L ' Man is the measure of all things " ( and of course I'm saying this to the big butt of consumer jokes!), and the fact ' last year, during the controversy over wiretapping, said during ' Confartigianato assembly that the Constitution is wrong because it's not allowed to make laws as he wanted him and that this should be changed. I will spare you the commentary of this statement not to insult your intelligence.
3) I said that it was national in scope, but not ' I said it all: Why the disagreement did not involve only the Italians living in Italy, but (and this is a wonderful thing!) protests focused on the Italians to ' foreign ! The cries of disapproval, all accompanied by the notes of ' me laugh, there have been in Frankfurt (Germany), Lille (France), London (England), Madrid and Seville (Spain), Helsinki (Finland), Brussels (Belgium), Edinburgh (Scotland) and many other European cities. And this is a sign of indignation aroused by the conduct of this government.
4) The event was made in defense of the Constitution, but it has not forgotten to bring to the table ' vexed question of public school . The reforms of ' Education Minister Gelmini are in fact found the center-right Berlusconi who have had more echo. We then witnessed the protests of many students and teachers who wanted to reiterate (to repeat and not to support, because the Constitution already provides for it) to invest in public school, however, has completely denied the funds for teaching and research. The two protests were well blended, mix and not just placed side- and in fact the issues are intimately connected.
5) The event of 12 March was ideologically cross : ie it is able to put aside their ideological divisions of this or that party, so that political leaders of different faiths and orientation found themselves united on the same day to say their not for the same reasons.

Mothers and fathers, students, workers, retirees, teachers, politicians, singers, writers, journalists ... There ' was a social category that did not participate. I must say that this flash of civic awakening has cheered me a lot, because it made me realize that our collective consciousness of citizens is not as off as I thought, made me feel more confident and gave me hope. And not because the first thought that there were no people opposed to our prime minister, but because for the first time after the media have been forced, in spite of what the press wants to go to Mediaset, to bring the social framework that is in force at this time: namely, that Mr Berlusconi in Italy is not well-liked ... some ' like Qaddafi ... or as Mubarak! And the proof is the national, indeed: international, of the day!
Now, in the past I have often made reference to some articles of the Constitution in my posts, politically motivated and was not a case: the 'because I did are one of the few students to have had the good fortune of having studied the law at school, which today is diminished at large. Ever since, despite not having legal ambitions, I considered our Constitution something beautiful: invitation to read it also whom they have never had a look, because you are listed with the principles which have to be agreed. His articles are almost poetic in their simplicity of language, very touching, really take to heart, and read today, in times like these, it helps acquire the force of indignation and awaken the conscience of citizens.

As usual, I have dwelt too much, and yet c ' was so much else that I wanted to talk! Maybe I'll do another post. Before closing, hoping that someone is coming a bit ' of euphoria, I like to leave some links so that we can investigate the matter relating to this wonderful encyclopedia of civilization that is the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
First of all, I can not give you the famous speech of Piero Calamandrei on the Constitution of the distant (?) In January 1955, held a series of conferences aimed at young students a ' Italy just emerged from war. This is a very simple and popular discourse where the famous jurist explains ' essence of the principles that are inherent in our Constitution, doing what I define a real course in civics. You can either read the speech (and save. Pdf) and listen to the ' audio through the three links from YouTube video (very nice the second part):

Piero Calamandrei speech on the Constitution - Audio files from YouTube

If you prefer to learn something about the Constitution also make you laugh, then you should definitely watch the show comedian Paolo Rossi in 2003/2004 The Mr Smith and the Constitution - Gathering organized popular delusion, where 'actor talks with the public (and not the public) the spirit and the most important articles of the Italian Constitution, resorting to songs, anecdotes, gags and imitations of a lot of fun. There link the parties present YouTube:

Mr. Rossi and the Constitution - Gather popular delusion organized


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