Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cheaterskorean Drama Online

Lies have dilated pupils

According to a well-known proverb , the lies have short legs: which, out of metaphor, it means that the lies "does not go far" in the sense that sooner or later are revealed. But why wait to reveal the truth? In many cases you can avoid this long wait and whether we are faced with a lie just as it is called: in fact, as many know, there are different signals involuntary body which may be considered, upon a correct interpretation, as evidence that someone is lying, ranging from change in the respiratory rate increased sweating, redness in the face, the gestures of the limbs or the face, the greater conspicuousness of swallowing and even to some typical phrases that are used to hide ... and the list goes on! In addition, numerous and detailed speeches that should be done to explain how to capture these signals detectors, where to look, how to interpret them, or how do you understand where they are actually indicative of what we are looking or whether they are caused by other reasons ... However, you can say, with some generality, that a more frequent appearance of the lights that indicate the presence of a lie is the expansion of pupil.
Two words on the pupil
Pupil human frontal view from the outside (left) and in
section, indicated by the arrow (right).
The pupil is the small black hole that we all have at the center of the iris (the iris is the part that gives color to our eyes): in essence, then, the pupil is a hole . A hole which has a trivial function: let the light, without which we could not perceive the world around them. In fact, when we "see" the objects, we are actually getting the light they emit, which arrives inside our eye on the rear wall of the eyeball, an area called the retina , just entering through the pupil, which is therefore the gateway to the eye. Once the light hit the retina, the brain will interpret the information to give us the perception of light as we see it we are conscious of (ie: we see with the brain, not with the eyes !). What we emphasize is that the pupil is capable of changing its dimensions: it can expand, that may increase its size to become a larger hole (in this case the phenomenon is called mydriasis) or may shrink, that may decrease its size to become a hole closer (a phenomenon called miosis). The expansion or shrinkage of the pupil is always due to some small muscoletti that "pull" the edges of the pupil away from its geometric center (to dilate) or that you "squeeze" around the perimeter of the pupil (to restrict) these muscles are the intrinsic muscles of the eye .
light intensity and pupil
Now comes the fun. The fact that the pupil changes its size is not a random event, but it's basically a response to two particular types of stimuli.
different way in which a pupil cat
reacts to the intensity of light: Pupil
miosis (top) in response to excess of light
and dilated pupil (bottom) in response to
low-light conditions.
The first type of stimulus that determines the change in pupil size is the presence of ambient light surrounding . To explain this effect you can think of the eyes of cats, which change their shape depending on whether the day (ie in the presence of light) or night (or in low-light) In the first case, the cats have narrow eyes, thin and wiry For the latter, will be more open and round. In our case, however, the shape of the pupil remains the same (a circle), but what changes is its diameter.
But why is such a thing? The reason is easily understood. When the light is low, the eye struggles to capture the light, since it is rare for an answer, the pupil is opened (dilated) to let as much light as possible so we can remedy the dark and continue to control environment (because we are very visual animals, that rely on seeing a huge part of our lives in relation to the environment, notwithstanding that many other animals use other senses: the mole, for example, is a half-blind, because he lives preferentially in the ground and then the view is not much).
Consider now the opposite case, ie an environment with excess light, as is the case that the suspect is brought to the police station in the old detective films of a few decades ago: in this case, to put it in awe, he is shooting a bright light in your face and you did the interview. What happened then? The eye suddenly found herself invested an amount of light much more than usual, so as to cause even more pain (and this is the why the suspect closed his eyes and turned his face on one side: a reflection that serves to protect the eye). You might think wrongly that the strong presence of light allows a better view: in reality it is not, because too much light dazzles, just like when we tried to look at the small sun. In this case, therefore, narrows the pupil (miosis) to allow the entrance of the right amount of light that must be seen, but without blinding.

emotional states and pupil
It is said that the pupil responds to light changes environment. But this is just one of the factors that influence its size. The other reason why a pupil expands or shrinks is that it responds to specific emotional states . The fear, of falling in love, sexual excitement, anger are all emotional conditions that affect change in the pupil. Emotional states can indeed be defined, with a technical term, please do not confuse with its everyday meaning, as the stress . I intend to stress here any condition that puts the body on alert for something both beautiful and ugly, any situation that strongly stimulates the body. For a deer a stressful situation would be to see to be driven from a wolf, but stress situation is that the wolf lives while being careful not to be discovered by deer. Humans can live stressful situations more complex (in the sense of symbols) and less related to the demands of life and basic needs, and are precisely the feelings and emotional states. Think about it: falling in love is a stressful situation, in that many faculty mobility of our body as well as the anger is a stress, because the body feels called upon to respond to a threat, also know to support a job interview is a stressful situation because in that case it must be responsive and convincing ... So Stress can call any situation in which we are called to respond effectively in our body to reach an urgent objective. In all cases the pupils affected.

Lies and pupil
And finally we come to the explanation of the phenomenon: what has this to do with the lies? Well, the lies covered by the definition of a situation of stress, because when the mind must be careful not to be discovered. This awareness put "on alert" our body, which is organized to provide a more appropriate response as possible in order not to understand the participant who is the victim of a lie. At that time we have to "defend" against an opponent (the guy we want intortare) and it is this instinct of self-defense mechanism that moves the pupil. But because awareness of defense requires pupil dilation? The reason is related to 'natural evolution fact, in the wild, animals, and therefore us humans when we were living in their natural state, thousands and thousands of years ago, must do two things to survive: fight or flee. Survival in their natural state and is always based only on these two unique event. Either we fight (to hunt prey or to defend themselves from predators melee), or run away (both in pursuit of prey or to escape a predator), this rule also applied to us when we were at the beginning of our evolutionary history of animals and it was at that time that process and selection of reflections that will allow us to fight or flee to the fullest. In both cases, the body must be ready to face the situation and, among other things that it did, the pupils dilate to allow light to come in and get us a better view of the surrounding environment as possible, with this mechanism an animal is able to better control the space around them and can use it, for example, to hide, to climb, to find tools to use to jump ... all things that in a moment of fight or flight is critical to ensure survival. dilation of the pupil in those cases was a way that the body had to say: "I am in a dangerous situation: I have to capture more light for a better look at where to go, or else I die."
Over time the concept of "survival of the environment" has changed for us, because we no longer live in their natural state, so our stress are different from those of other animals in that they are activated in our different situations. But still the stress! So in their presence are set in motion those same mechanisms that we used to survive thousands of years ago. Among them is also that of the dilated pupil: when we lie, we live in a stressful situation that alarmed us and we perceive as a "danger" from which to defend ourselves and, although we must not create a type of fight or flight response, but the simply because of their thesis is "remember" the body of the first situations where we were in danger and it does react with the same mechanisms, including that the pupil is dilated.

conclusion ...
In essence, a person who minds his pupil tends to dilate and this is an involuntary response. Therefore, in some cases the phenomenon of dilated pupil can be a clue to know if the person who speaks to us tells us bales or not. But beware, as I said at the beginning, this signal is not only accepted but also interpreted . That is, it is said that whenever there is a dilation of the pupil can say is currently a lie because, as we have seen, the presence of light affects this phenomenon. If you speak with someone in a dimly lit her pupils dilate, but in that case the reason is that his eyes are catching light from the environment for a better look.
And then It also requires some sensitivity to be able to just see a pupillary dilation. It is a skill that not everyone has, especially since in general the pupil is dilated slightly and briefly. Not to mention the fact that even if you are unable to appreciate this change, it must be read in a setting other involuntary reactions accompanying the main reaction to stress, such as posture, tone of voice, the direction in which we look ... Not the least reason, we must also consider the possible use of drugs and / or drugs that can cause this effect. Yes, it is not something that can do everything, but who we can have a great advantage, no? Moreover, the nature has always been clear: only the fittest survive (in our case: the better informed)!

A final consideration
I want to close with a brief consideration that would disprove the stereotypes and prejudices. We all recognize the sincerity as a value, since we know that lying is something morally wrong. In truth, though it is true that in certain circumstances, the sincerity is just a duty (such as when testimony at a trial, or when you talk to your partner, or when you are confident with your psychiatrist ...), but there are so many aspects of our lives relationship in which the lie - you seem paradoxical - is needed! You got it: lie has a definite role in our social relations . Think your child to five years shows that its design: it asks you if you design that looks beautiful. It is obvious that you will answer yes, even if the child is far from an expert portrait! It is with cases like this that we structure our social world, that we can build relationships with others and in certain dynamics must play this game. And I will tell you more: the lie has a specific function for our relationship with ourselves How many times will "protect" from a bitter truth telling that things are in a certain way, but maybe not? How many times have we rephrase the statement of an experience to themselves that we are not in danger or that we have not done anything wrong, although this is not true? No coincidence that children learn to lie soon and this is an indication that the lie has a clear significance for evolutionary and relational . But that's another story.
So it would be wrong to speak of the lie only from a moral point of view, which, I repeat, must also be present, but only with respect to certain aspects of life and not to others.


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